

Blockchain platform that directly connects manufacturers and members

Register Referral Tron Address you received

[Notice] To withdraw 10,000TRX, you must have at least 10,010TRX, including the transfer fee,
and transfer may not be possible if the fee is insufficient. Fees incurred in this case are non-refundable.

Join with Allround Platform

[Allround Platform] is a blockchain-based exchange platform where members and manufacturers directly meet and create together.



Manufacturers can freely exchange products with members on the platform.



Members can exchange products from manufacturers at reasonable prices and receive rewards based on their activities on the platform.

What is Smart Contract?

Tron Blockchain

TRON (TRX) is one of the leading cryptocurrencies established in 2017.
It can be created based on smart contracts through the blockchain of cryptocurrencies.

Smart Contract

Smart contract is a form of contract that is concluded and executed by itself based on an automated algorithm within the block chain.


Decentralization is a platform where contracts are concluded and implemented only through a consensus algorithm between users and users without a central administrator.

Connect TronLink

Most Secure Asset Management : Decentralized wallet, Hot and cold wallets, Node stability and reliability


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